Parish Social Committee

We are looking for people interested in becoming involved in creating a Parish Social Committee.  Those interested in wanting to be involved please call the parish office 204-889-3248 or email at 
Our Parishioners are proud to be a part of a diverse community that come together to celebrate culture and faith. The Social Committee has a mission to bring together families – old and new, young and wise, in fellowship to build a bond in our community.

Planning goes on all year for events to be celebrated in the parish. Everyone is welcome to these events, Volunteers and sponsors are welcomed with open arms. Some events are free and others charge a fee to cover costs. Some of the annual events include:

St. Charles Dinner which is normally held the 1st Saturday of November to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Charles Borromeo.

Trivia Night - a fun family event held in March.

By getting involved in the social committee, you are helping St. Charles reach our objectives of community building, raising funds, and promotion of the Church in the community.